Friday, March 30, 2007

Obama Bashes Bush - Gets His Grip and Grin On

While making the campaign rounds in Tallahassee, Fla. Sen. Bahm Bahm lashed out at George Bush - saying the current Attorney General scandal show's Georgie-Boy's disrespect for the constitution.
But er um Barack sweetie you're showing a healthy disrespect for married man rule number 311. Don't be looking so damn smiley-smiley, and genuinely pleased to be posing with some cute state representative down in Florida - when your wife and possibly America's Next First Lady is back home in Chicago up to her a!@ in whiny little girls and dance recitals and PTA meetings. Photo ops like these are what the fake smiles are for.
Got it?

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Oh No Not Again

Oh good lord jesus.
Will this woman never shut up?
Now Judith Giuliani, in her infinite wisdom, is having a little prime time chat with the crypt keeper a.k.a. Barbara Walters. Other ancient New York hags like the Post's Cindy Adams are kissing much Giuliani a!#... making Judi and Rudy believe the public wants to hear about their relationship.
And all that talk about the third Mrs. Giuliani sitting in on White House cabinet meetings if hubby is elected?
Judi does not play well in the Red states. Have you guys forgotten you're trying to get the Republican nomination?

Monday, March 19, 2007

Cindy McCain Back on the Bus

screenshot from Even the fantabulous Cindy McCain can't seem to breathe new life into this old concept. But she dutifully boarded The Straight Talk Express dos this weekend and rumbled around some well-trod primary ground. The bus, a hold-over from 2000, has been spruced up for round two.. but so far it is failing to generate the excitement of the last campaign.
Senator John did however manage to get in a dig-what-dig? shot at the competition. McCain said: "It's the same McCain, the same Straight Talk, the same, frankly, people with me, same wife."
Uh-huh, unlike that ho-monger Rudy Giuliani who is on spouse numero tres. But you know what McCains? Guiliani, Judith and all, is leading you in the polls.
Your mission Cindy - have his people come up with an idea better than the bus.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Judi "The Deal Killer" Giuliani Strikes Again

Obviously my advice to Mrs. Rudy G. to SIT HER ASS DOWN has gone unheeded.
So guess what happened?
The media dumped another s!@#load of criticsim after her bizarre introduction of her husband at a recent fund raiser in New York.

Oh and Judes, - it's "This means so much to Rudy and me" not "Rudy and I". Not that you should ever get the chance to speak again.

bill bashes back

Potential Next First Lady Bill Clinton's campaign appearances with his wife the senator may be few and far between - but don't think he isn't pulling those levers behind the curtain. The New York Post reports on how he took on the Times this week while raising another gazillion dollars for Camp Hillary.

"He said his wife wasn't getting a fair shake from the Times," said Curtis Sliwa, the WABC Radio host, who was there as a guest. ("I'm a Rudy guy," Sliwa explained.)

"Clinton said the Times is attacking Hillary because she won't apologize for her vote on the war in Iraq," Sliwa said. "The Times has always been super supportive. It's the equivalent of Rudy Giuliani attacking The New York Post."

Oh and don't let the chummy photo of Barack, Bill and Hill in Selma a couple of weeks ago fool you either. Big Willie is trying to deflect criticism about Hillary's war stance(s) - and force the Times to take on Obama.

"Clinton focused on the fact that three years ago - shortly after Barack Obama burst onto the world stage with his speech at the Democratic National Convention where John Kerry was nominated - Obama was asked how he would have voted on the Iraq war if he'd been in Congress at that time.

"And Obama said, 'I'm not sure,' " Sliwa recalled. "Clinton said the Times has a duty to report on Obama's initial ambivalence."

Michelle? Your turn.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Meet Michelle Obama's New Chief of Staff

Little did she know when Eric Appleman visited her for one of his Democracy in Action pieces in 2003 - that she would eventually end up near the center of the hottest Presidential campaign in decades.
Melissa Winter, who worked for Senator Joe Lieberman for 10 years, is now Michelle Obama's right hand woman.

She probably also didn't know that some poorly lit snapshot from a random day at the office would end up being e-mailed around the internet four years later...or that some blogger with no life would end up poking around in her expense reports and giggling about how she probably spent that 1,700 bucks worth of tax payer money during that weekend in pre-Katrina New Orleans.

Laissez le bon temps rouler!

Michelle Obama Has Paid Her Dues

The Left End of the Dial blog has dug up this shot of Michelle Obama trying to choke down some rubber chicken - while her then state senator hubby lays the ground work for an eventual run for 1600.

Barack: 'Hmmmm. I wonder how much campaign cash I can squeeze out of...oh s!@#. 'Did a flash just go off? O.K. stay focused. Note to self - have assistant get me two seats at another one of these godawful dinners with Chicago's Jewish movers and shakers to counter inevitable Obama loves Arabs hates Jews headlines.'

Michelle: 'Why is this fool trying to take my picture when he sees I've got my mouth - oh wait - maybe if I move behind this carnation...'

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Michelle Takes Manhattan

In New York - 1010 wins shows the Obamas' strategy was in full effect with Mrs. O playing the role of grounded partner to reassure the adoring masses that she will never let Bahm-Bahm believe the hype.

From AP:

"Senator Barack Obama was welcomed by an enthusiastic crowd at a fundraiser in New York today.
But the person who had the audience laughing the hardest was his wife, who decided to air some dirty laundry.

Michelle Obama told roaring audience members she sometimes wishes she could live with the same character she sees on T-V. She called that man "Barack Obama the phenomenon."

She said the Barack Obama at her house has trouble putting his socks with the dirty clothes. And he doesn't do a better job than their five-year-old daughter at making his bed.

But the senator's wife tried to depict her husband as more good-guy than politician.

She said he is sincere and authentic -- not manufactured.

The event at Manhattan's Grand Hyatt Hotel was one of the Democrat's first major presidential fundraising forays into New York City."

Good New York hair, make up, and suit by the way - sophisticated without being boring. Bonus.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Babs Richardson Still Under Radar

I swear Barabara Richardson. If you show up at ONE more groundbreaking for yet another worthy cause - and all you get out of it is a mention in the Daily Lobo - I'm gonna strangle somebody.
Get out there girl!

Judith "The Deal Killer" Giuliani


Richard Land, the Southern Baptists' ambassador to the very earthly kingdom of politics and policy (his official title is President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation's largest Protestant Denomination) is a diplomat and an affable character, so when he speaks plainly the words carry weight. And his salvos launched at Republican frontrunner Rudy Giuliani were the warning shots in the evangelical primary: who has the strongest claim to the hearts and minds of the GOP base?

That's right. The Southern Baptists' Big Kahuna has spoken on the Giulianis' hoedom. And it's not good:

"You can't win just with white evangelicals" Land says, "but without them you face a loss of apocalyptic proportions." And that's the bad news for Rudy. "The vast majority of those people will not vote for Rudy. The three marriages is a deal killer."

Oh what to do. What to do?
OK - we'll have to re-think this but here's a start. Judi...KEEP YOUR ASS AT HOME. Republicans like Rudy, and they really want to give him a pass on that whole thrice married, pro-abortion, cross-dressing, estranged children thing. But they can't if he's constantly throwing his latest wife in their faces. If Rudy's there - you can be for damed sure Judi is too ...grabbing on as tight as she can - loving the limelight and tounging him down on the cover of the Post.
You want a shot at the East Wing? Confine yourself to the Upper East Side for the rest of the election.

Michelle Obama Headed to NY

Move over Beyonce the real chief chick is coming to town and New York says the city can't wait.

The presidential contender’s $100-a-head fundraiser, being held this Fridaynight in Manhattan, sold out so quickly that his campaign moved it to a larger venue, the Grand Hyatt New York’s Empire State Ballroom. Tickets sales were resumed, with a new deadline of Thursday. The campaign had stopped selling tickets last week, but requests continued to roll in.

Typically, a fundraiser for a prominent candidate who appears in person would carry a minimum ticket price of far more than $100. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, for example, has an event at the Sheraton New York Hotel & Towers on Wednesday, March 14, with a buy-in of $2,300—the most an individual can legally contribute.

But candidates will occasionally schedule low-dollar events, intended to attract and cultivate a large number of younger donors. In December 2005, Sen. Hillary Clinton sold $50 tickets to a fundraiser at Crobar on West 28th Street that both she and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, attended. Predictably, the place was a madhouse.

Mr. Obama and his wife Michelle may find a similar scene at the Grand Hyatt in midtown Friday. The event was originally to be held at The Grand, 41 East 58th St. His campaign would not divulge how many tickets have been sold.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Hairy Situation for Edwards

Elizabeth honey, If you want people to stop thinking of your husband as the "Breck Girl" you're gonna have to do something with your own hair. How could his not look like shiny product-ed perfection next to this?

Paging Michelle Obama

Come get ya man.

The New York Daily News reports that this went down at one of those down low rich people only fund raisers Barack has been holding sans spouse:

"He spoke for about 20 minutes, never mentioning Hillary Clinton," one guest tells us. "He was very impressive. People formed a circle around him. He shook everybody's hand and asked what they did."

One lady needed no introduction. Feasting his eyes on Beyoncé, the candidate said: "I never do this, but can I ask for your autograph?" The admiration seemed mutual as they posed for a photo. "I want a copy of that picture!" said Obama.

Naturally, he was also cordial to her boyfriend, Jay-Z, who laid his money down despite having had dinner a few nights earlier with Bill Clinton." any playuh-playuh would be. When Senator Bahm-Bahm was in the pulpit in Selma on Sunday he sent a shout out to his lovely wife who was holding down the home front and taking care of the kids. He should have done the same while all hugged-up with Bey...and it's those very same kids that should have been the (very loudly) expressed reason why he was asking for some sexy 20-something singer's autograph (whether the kids wanted it or not).

Presidents have groupies - they are not groupies themselves. Learn it.

Yeah, a lot of people will say it was cute that his tongue was hanging all out. But you know who won't? Black women. They are still trying to decide whether he gets a pass or not anyway- and he will definitely be denied if they even think he has eyes for anyone other than Michelle.

Mrs. O - whether your husband was trying to get his JFK/Marilyn on or just clowning around...make him stop it. It could do more harm than good.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Being Bill

From Cape Cod Times
Out of all the potentates and potential presidents parading across the Pettus bridge in Selma on Sunday - no one was welcomed by the crowds like the person who could be America's Next First Lady...Bill Clinton. At the sight of even just the tippy top of his snowy white head folks went nuts. Maybe because he'd been to Selma before...maybe because he was the only real Southerner among the key-noters...maybe because instead of being embarrassed by the overwhelming and illogical adoration - he wallows in it like a pig in s!@#. Whatever the reason, he needs to bottle it and force feed it to his still-too-stiff wife if he plans on making it back to 1600.

Romneys Are Family Values-rific

From newspapers
Suck it Giulianis.
Suck it hard.
That was the message First Lady wannabe Ann Romney and hubby Mitt delivered over the weekend at a Rebublican conserva-fest in Washington. The leaning more right every day Romney introduced the crowd to his "sweetheart" to whom he
has been married for a bazillion years...right after Rudy, who is
on wife numero tres, rambled on about how he wanted support.

Ann's also took a turn on the mike:

"We have an exciting month this month," she told the crowd. "Some of you might think, 'Well, of course, you're running for president. That's exciting.' There's another reason we're excited — Mitt and I will be celebrating our 38th wedding anniversary."
Ann Romney introduced the couple's 37-year-old son, Tagg, before confiding to the audience that Romney's public accomplishments pale in her mind against "the accomplishments that I hold most dear in my heart, because for me he has been an extraordinary husband and most importantly, he's been a terrific example to our five sons and now to our 10 grandchildren." (Unlike ho-monger Giuliani)


Brits to Potential First Ladies: Bake Cookies

From London's Guardian/Observer
The bake-off, which seems like a relic of unliberation, has in fact only been in place since 1992, when Hillary Clinton defended her career as a lawyer by saying: 'I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies.' Who would have thought that, so many years after second-wave feminism, that phrase could be contentious?

But Democrats have had trouble winning votes from married women, and it was seen by some as such a put-down that the person currently bidding to be the first female President of the United States instantly sought to correct the strategy error by coming up with a recipe. Since then, the bake-off has only highlighted the extent to which the position of First Lady is a symbolic one, and how little that symbol is expected to change.

However idolised Jackie Kennedy was, however exceptional she seemed, Andy Warhol's immortalisation of her proves that it was all about surface and surrender. It has been said that an essential rung on a prospective presidential candidate's career ladder is to pass through Stepford and pick up a wife. Or, as Gil Troy, historian of First Couples has put it: 'When in doubt, go retro.'

Monday, March 05, 2007

Giulianis - The Blended Family Blues

From the New York Post

"The Republican presidential candidate came to Southern California to speak with sheriffs about gang violence, but found himself peppered with questions about his family after his son, Andrew, publicly stated that their relationship had soured after Giuliani's messy divorce from Andrew's mother, Donna Hanover, and his later marriage to Judith Nathan.

"My wife Judith is a very loving and caring ... mother and stepmother. She has done everything she can. The responsibility is mine," Giuliani told reporters gathered outside the Los Angeles County sheriff's headquarters.

"I believe that these problems with blended families, you know, are challenges - sometimes they are," he said. "The more privacy I can have for my family, the better we are going to be able to deal with all these difficulties."

The New York Times reported Saturday that Andrew Giuliani and his father have recently tried to reconcile after not speaking "for a decent amount of time." In the Times article, Andrew said, "There's obviously a little problem that exists between me and his wife."

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Billy C. - Dollars on the Down Low

Potential First Lady Bill Clinton has been keeping a relatively low profile...but don't think he's sleeping on the job. That constant ringing sound you hear? The Clinton cash-register is cha-chinging away.

In The Huffington Post, Blake Fleetwood parses the process:

We came across, and verified, an email Bill Clinton sent to his best supporters last week, urging them to raise a million dollars a week for Hillary's presidential campaign (already raised is $705,280).

With the help of a confidential source in the Clintons' inner circle, we were able to parse many of his sentences to reveal the strategy behind his words and produce a MRI, in effect, of the former president's thinking processes.

Dear _____________,

Am I enthusiastic about my wife's campaign for president? You bet I am.


I've been sitting on my butt for seven years watching Bush bungle everything. And those pathetic wimps - Gore and Kerry - could not beat a dead-man-walking. Now Hillary, with me quietly in the shadows, finally has a chance to show those Republicans what hardball politics is all about.

I know her better than anybody on earth,

And unfortunately, she knows me better than anyone on earth too; and I owe her a big one...Monica (or two -- Gennifer...or three -- Paula) which is why I'm working so hard on her behalf.

and she's got the best combination of mind and heart of everybody I've ever known.

So what if she's way short on empathy and charisma, especially with crowds. Obama is all about charisma, and nothing else. I'll take care of the charisma thing.
